The Diverse Owned Business Directory includes both diverse owned and non-diverse owned businesses. It is comprised from many sources,  including a large portion of WashU’s current businesses (identified as a “Yes” under “WashU Supplier?” in the results box), businesses who have a relationship with other regional anchors, current and prospective business who have registered on WashU’s supplier registration portal, and businesses from 3rd party resources, such as Reference Solutions. Suggest an edit or share a supplier review.

Filter by Initiative

InSTL4STL Supplier – Identifies diverse owned and non-diverse suppliers that are located within a 150-mile radius of WashU. 

Focus Zip Code Supplier – Identifies diverse owned and non-diverse suppliers that are located in 22 regional zip codes that have a high African American population with a poverty rate over 20%.

Filter by Geography

Narrow down search based on geography.

Filter by Industry

Supplier Industry Category – General high level industry classifications based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. Use the search bar to type in an industry keyword or select from the industry classifications listed.  Please note, that supplier classifications are based on data received from suppliers or 3rd party verifiers.

Supplier Industry – Specific low level industry classifications based on the NAICS codes. Use the search bar to type in an industry keyword or select from the industry classifications listed.  Please note, that supplier classifications are based on data received from suppliers or 3rd party verifiers.

Filter by Type

Diverse Owned Business – Select “No” to search for non-diverse businesses only. Select “Yes” to search for diverse businesses only.

Business Classification – Narrow search to one or several diversity classifications. In the text field, type in one or multiple supplier classifications. Toggle between “or” or “and” to further narrow your search.  Select the filter button to apply your selections.

Supplier Classification Acronyms

MBE: Minority-owned Business Enterprise
BLK: African-American or Black
ASN: Asian-American or Pacific-Islander
NAT: Native-American
HSP: Hispanic or Latino
IND: Asian-Indian
OTH: Other

WBE: Woman-Owned Business Enterprise
WOSB: Woman-Owned Small Business Enterprise
SBE: Small Business Enterprise
DBE: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
SDBE: Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
VBE: Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise
SDVBE: Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise
LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer
HUBZone: Historically Underutilized Business Zone
HBCU/MI: Historically Black College or University/Minority Institution

Search by Business Name

Use the text box to search for a business name.

*Tip – If you currently are using a business but want to find more options in the same industry, type in the business name and note the industry classification.  Revise your search by that same industry to potentially identify additional options.

Diverse Owned Business Directory Search Results

Displays the businesses based on the selected search criteria. The information provided is intended to provide basic information on the business.  Work is on-going to ensure data accuracy and to fill in missing information.

Clearing Filters

The entire page can be cleared/reset by clicking the button near the end of the page.

To clear a field: Each search box contains a small eraser (top right) that allows for that specific selection to be cleared/reset.

Expanding the Directory

To enlarge the entire directory to full screen, select the ‘arrows’ icon at the bottom right of the grey bar at the bottom.
Please note the social icons in the bottom bar are not affiliated with the directory.

Certified Column in the Directory

Regardless of if a supplier is self-certified or a certified diverse owned business, a positive economic impact will occur. A certified business has gone through a third-party audit to verify ownership classification. Please note, at this time, WashU only captures certified businesses in our spending data.

Information is updated on an on-going basis. If possible, new suppliers are added monthly.

Disclaimer: This tool should be used as a resource to find diverse owned businesses.  Additional fact finding will be necessary to determine if a supplier listed in the directory meets specific requirements.

Please contact the Supplier Diversity department for help or additional information.